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Parents Overview


Troop 281 has worked to compile multiple resources for Scouts and Parents on this website.   Explore them with your son or daughter.  The Scout Handbook is a fabulous resource.  Encourage him or her to read it!

Take time to read the Guide to Scouting in Troop 281 – it will answer many of your questions about troop operations.  While Troop 281 carefully follows the Boy Scouts of America guidelines, each Scout troop has a few unique situations and additional rules that they follow. This document is reviewed and updated annually.

Unlike Cub Scouts, the the Scouts BSA program is led by the Scouts themselves.  This is a major shift for the Scouts and parents alike.  In order for a Scout to get the most from the program, your Scout needs to be given the room to do most everything for themselves.  Simply put, if an adult does something for a capable Scout, that action takes away a growth opportunity.

  • Let your daughter or son pack for outings himself.  They need to know where his gear is in their pack. 
  • If they are the patrol’s grubmaster, help to purchase the food, but do not supplement the menu that has been approved by the patrol and an adult leader.  Every patrol forgets an ingredient or wishes they brought something.  This is they way they learn.
  • If you think your Scout will feel alone, trust us, homesickness passes in minutes.  Scout trips and camps are just to much fun.  Your Scout will grow fast!
  • If you feel a bit left out, you are not alone.  Enjoy watching your Scout mature and take on the responsibility that he is capable of.

Still want to be more involved?   The troop needs your help to function!   Please volunteer here:

Finally, if you join overnight outings with the troop, you MUST take the BSA Youth Protection training, and keep it current every two years.  If you come on two or more outings a year, you also must be registered with the BSA – contact the Advancement Coordinator for an application.


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